Can I Shave My Ragdoll Cat?

Yes, just cut the extra from the edge. This is because the length of the cat’s fur affects how quickly it comes back. Due to the semi-long hair of Ragdolls, it takes some time for the fur to become as fluffy as before. It’s important to remember that a Ragdoll’s coat can grow back after being shaved in about six months.

Their fur provides the cat with important insulation, helps protect them from the elements, and they naturally shed and groom themselves. If your cat has matted fur, a lion cut may be an option, but you should consult a veterinarian before proceeding. Additionally, brushing their fur regularly will help reduce the risk of mats developing in the first place.

Doing so can cause skin irritations or even infections from improper shaving techniques. It is essential only to allow an experienced groomer or veterinarian to shave your Ragdoll cat, so they do not get hurt.

Should you shave your Ragdoll in summer?

Shaving a Ragdoll in the summer can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, it can help keep them cool in hot weather, reduce shedding and decrease the risk of matting or tangling their long hair.

On the other hand, shaving a cat’s fur can put them at risk for sunburn and skin cancer due to its lack of natural protection from the sun. It is also essential to remember that Ragdolls are naturally quite fluffy, so it may be challenging to get an even cut when attempting a full-body shave.

If you decide that shaving your Ragdoll is the best option for them, it’s essential to make sure you do it right. First and foremost, always use a professional clipper explicitly designed for cats. It’s also important to avoid shaving too close to their skin or using scissors, as both of these can cause severe pain or injury.

Additionally, ensure you give your Ragdoll plenty of breaks during the process and use an excellent lubricant to reduce irritation on their skin.

Ultimately, whether or not you choose to shave your Ragdoll in the summer is up to personal preference and what will work best for them and their particular situation. If you decide that shaving is proper, take the necessary steps to do it safely and with minimal discomfort.

How do you trim a Ragdoll cat?

Trimming a Ragdoll cat is not that different from decorating any other cat breed. The key is to provide a peaceful and calming environment for the cat, as ragdolls, in particular, can be pretty sensitive.

Before beginning, it is essential to use a specialized feline clipper with a guard attached, as this will help prevent nicks and cuts while effectively cutting the fur. Start with the area around your cat’s face, ears, and neck as you begin. Be sure to use slow strokes while trimming so as not to scare or startle the cat.

Continue by trimming around the paws and legs of your cat. As you work your way down, lift and part the fur as needed for precise trimming. Be careful not to cut too close or press too hard with the clipper, as this can cause discomfort for the cat.

When you reach the tail of your Ragdoll, take extra care to only trim away the excess fur. Cutting too much here can be uncomfortable for your pet, so always be cautious when trimming the tail.

Once you finish the trim, brush out any remaining fur that may have been left behind from the clipper. Be sure to reward your cat with treats and praise throughout the process so your pet can learn to associate the experience with something positive. Trimming your Ragdoll will become easier each time with patience and a gentle touch.

Why has my Ragdoll Cat’s Fur Turned Dark After Being Shaved?

Shaving a cat can be beneficial in certain situations, such as when there is excessive fur or matted fur. It can also help to reduce the amount of shedding that occurs.

Unfortunately, when a Ragdoll cat’s fur is shaved, it can turn darker after regrowth. This color change is usually because the lighter-colored fur has been removed, leaving only the darker hairs behind.

If you need to shave your Ragdoll cat for whatever reason, there are ways to minimize this effect. Start using a clipper with an adjustable guard so you don’t trim too close to their skin. In addition, it’s essential to use a good quality shampoo formulated for cats and avoid using any products on the fur afterward.

And finally, keep up with regular brushing or combing after the fur has regrown to help evenly distribute the coat and minimize clumping.

By following these tips, you should be able to help your Ragdoll cat maintain its natural coloration even after a shave. However, if you notice that the fur is still noticeably darker than before, it could indicate an underlying health issue. In this case, take your cat to its veterinarian for a checkup and further evaluation.

Pros and cons of shaving your Ragdoll Cat

Shaving a Ragdoll Cat can be a controversial topic among pet owners. On the one hand, some owners feel it can offer health benefits and make grooming more accessible, while others believe they should be left with their natural coats. Ultimately, it is up to the individual and their cat’s needs whether or not they decide to shave their Ragdoll.


  • It can reduce or eliminate shedding, which can help prevent pet allergies from being triggered in the home
  • Removing excess fur can prevent mats and make grooming easier for owners who do not have much experience with cats.
  • Shaving the coat can cool down your Ragdoll Cat during warm weather, helping them stay comfortable in hot climates.
  • After the shaving process, Ragdoll Cats can look very striking and keep a well-groomed appearance.


  • The shaved coat may not grow back as thick or with the same texture as before (although this can be prevented by using electric clippers instead of scissors)
  • Without fur, Ragdoll Cats are more exposed to sunburns and heatstroke during the warmer months.
  • Some cats may not enjoy being shaved due to the loud noise of clippers and can become anxious or stressed.
  • There is always the risk of cuts or nicks while shaving your cat if they are not properly restrained.
  • Without their fur, your Ragdoll may feel cold and uncomfortable in winter.